

I once met a fellow African,
A graying civil servant in Blantyre in Malawi
“Muli Bwanji?” he asked.
“I am fine, thank you”, I said.
For I thought I heard him say “Muli Bulungi?” Read Entire Poem

I am on a maiden visit to some remote township,
And round the last bend on my way lies a construction site
It looks like a budding mall of sorts,
But it’s betrayed by a peculiar forecourt
I now ask my guide…
"It’s a Shell", he tells me, 
"A Shell for vehicles to do their refueling here." 
Read Entire Poem

Like drowsy hunters, we gaze at the dark clouds,
We rummage our minds for a silver lining;
It’s the ninth day of the month,
And a couple of months to the year’s end! Read Entire Poem

Of dreams still unfulfilled,
And childhood fantasies that no longer leave me thrilled…
The dream job and fancy car; 
The fat salary and a life so full of flair,
The failed prospects that leave me in despair! Read Entire Poem

What a year you were,
For you brought the world cup to our backyard
But you were more than just a world cup year
With many an epiphany, you came Read Entire Poem